About Us

The Finance Education Center (FEdCenter) is a social enterprise that enables other finance organizations, organizations, schools, universities, and corporate supporters to gain global-standard skills and training and improve the competitiveness of their people/students by providing training & testing, administration & logistics, and consultancy services.

Our Mission

FEdCenter is a premiere social enterprise supporting finance organizations and professionals towards global competitiveness and sustainability.

Our Vision

FEdCenter is envisioned to become the nexus for stakeholders in the financial services community in the country within 10 years.


FEdCenter and its esteemed partners in Financial Literacy Partners work together in a synergistic manner to curate and arrange a wide variety of impactful events promoting Financial Education. These events act as influential platforms for sharing knowledge, developing skills, and engaging with the community, fostering a culture of empowerment and well-being in matters of finance

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

National Finance Summit

FEdCenter Internship Program

The FEdCenter Internship Program (FIP) presents a transformative chance exclusively tailored for students in the Philippines specializing in finance, business, and human resources. Its objective is to equip them for the evolving industry requirements in the current era. This provides a comprehensive learning journey with a strong emphasis on professional advancement and personal growth, ensuring a well-rounded experience.

Training & Certification Programs

FEdCenter Training Programs are focused on the Finance Proficiency Structure (FPS) which is a modular and ladderized system for financial literacy. It is intended to enhance and complement existing financial education programs in schools, universities, institutes, and local and international certification programs.


Train the Trainers Program (TTT) is an exclusive training affiliate of the Finance Educators Association (Fin.Ed) which seeks to create the first group of Fin.Ed – Accredited Trainers in the Philippines.

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